The Abyss

Go with a Flow

You've heard about Flow, but not sure what it is, how to use it and whether it's worth it? I had to find answers to this questions so hopefully you don't have to. I've started with Flow as a contributor to already an established project with extensive (and ever growing) Flow coverage. It was a stark contrast to how JavaScript's usual treatment of types, in fact it seemed formalistic and unnecessarily specific at times. However, just like with writing tests, well type-annotated code will take care of itself and let you know about a problem before things went wrong. Why use Flow? Flow allows strict typing... read more »

Algorithms: Pain and Pleasure

As soon as I became serious about not sucking as a programmer anymore, I developed some learning strategies. By developed I obviously mean lifted them from other people's good ideas and pretended they were mine all along. Great strategy. Highly recommend. So I've been doing katas on codewars for a while. And since I've recently discovered pleasures of JS I've been devoted to ranking up and finally feeling good about myself. Thats didn't last long. Pretty soon I hit the ceiling of my abilities. Bruised ego made me unhappy. Code wars is not perfect, it ranks katas in a very weird way, so someone like me... read more »